The Editors
What Comes After COVID
Juan Cambeiro
The next pandemic is coming. Is it possible to say when?
The Virtue of Wonder: Martha Nussbaum’s Justice for Animals
Ozy Brennan
Martha Nussbaum’s latest book challenges us to change the way we think — and feel — about animals. What role can wonder and awe play when pathos comes up short?
Feeding the World Without Sunlight
Mike Hinge
In 1815, the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history led to harvest failures across the globe. Today, a nuclear winter could bring the global food system crashing down. Is it possible to feed the world in the aftermath of a catastrophe?
Beyond Staple Grains
Prabhu Pingali
The Green Revolution saved a billion lives, but it left a legacy of homogenous diets and distorted agricultural markets. What impact has this had on global health — and how can we move forward?
Animal Welfare in the Anthropocene
Jordan Hampton
Wild animals outnumber farmed animals by orders of magnitude. Are we obligated to help them? And even if we wanted to, do we know how?
Cows vs. Chemists: The Health Debates Over Plant-Based Meat
Jake Eaton
Everyone wants to know if plant-based meats are good for you. Despite what you might read, no one has a definitive answer.
America Doesn’t Know Tofu
George Stiffman
China has spent millennia exploring the culinary possibilities of soybean curds. The West has barely scratched the surface.
Read This, Not That: The Hidden Cost of Nutrition Misinformation
Stephan Guyenet
Our daily lives are inundated with misleading claims about nutrition. That’s not just distracting — it’s also harming our health.
My Primal Scream of Rage: The Big Alcohol Study That Didn't Happen
Five years ago, the National Institutes of Health cancelled the largest study on alcohol ever planned. Here’s why — and why you should be mad too.
What I Won’t Eat
Georgia Ray
A reflection on ethics, animal cognition, and chocolate cake.
Salt, Sugar, Water, Zinc: How Scientists Learned to Treat the 20th Century’s Biggest Killer of Children
Matt Reynolds
Oral rehydration therapy is now the standard treatment for dehydration. It’s saved millions of lives, and can be prepared at home in minutes. So why did it take so long to discover?
Is Cultivated Meat For Real?
Robert Yaman
Cultivated meat faces a wall of scientific skepticism, but investors haven’t been deterred. A decade in, how close are we to seeing it on our plates?
02: Food
Is plant-based meat better for you? What we don’t know about alcohol (and why we still don’t know it). Do oysters feel? How not to starve in a nuclear winter. False advertising. Cholera treatment. Tofu. What’s up with cultivated meat these days? The legacy of the Green Revolution. Moral philosophy, macropods, and more.